Un café et l’addition svp

This has been one of the most used phrases besides “ça marche” that I have used the past few months. Let’s get this straight, french is hard. I struggle everyday trying to learn and to be honest it’s not coming that easy to me anymore. If you knew me in high school, you would know that I was cocky as hell in french class and thought I ruled the world. I got the grades and I was confident. Fast forward, I’m no longer learning as fast as I used to. This is probably the most frustrating thing in the world since this is literally what I am studying at university.

My friends and family back home are giving me advice and letting me know that I will get it eventually. The best advice I got was “accept that you suck and move on. This is where you are and that’s ok. Keep learning and eventually you will suck less”. Abrupt, I know, but this person knew I needed a little kick in the ass.

I went to an event called Franglish tonight where you speak 7 minutes in English and 7 minutes in french with natives in a “speed dating” style. Best decision ever. I spoke so much french and I was understood! In celebration to that, I treated myself to a burger and a Christmas beer from les 3 Brassuers.

Next time you are frustrated with life, do what I did…. just drop everything for a day and explore your city. Can we talk about how cute Lille is? I mean really…

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